Why Engaging Content Is a Vital Part of a Digital Marketing Funnel

A listing of your services can help visitors understand “what” you do, but your website’s blog content helps position you like the best at what you do.

If you are wanting to have a successful digital marketing strategy, you must maintain a website blog.

Quality content added to a blog can be the difference between being ranked on the first page or the second page of Google.

Engaging content is one of the best ways to drive more traffic to your website.

With an increase in traffic comes an increase in the volume of leads making their way into your digital marketing funnel.

Today’s most successful marketing websites are much more than a catalog of services and contact information.

Keep reading to learn why engaging content is critical to your online marketing strategy.

What is Digital Marketing Funnel?

A funnel helps direct a large volume of a substance into a smaller, more focused path to reach a final destination.

From an online perspective, your digital marketing funnel collects a broad audience of potential customers who land on your website.

Through a series of online strategies, your funnel helps reduce that broad audience into a smaller targeted audience of visitors most likely to convert into customers.

Your digital funnel works through a strategy of engaging content, a user-friendly website, and an effective SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategy to attract your best potential customers.

Before you can create the traffic to find those new customers, you need quality content that converts.

Content Attracts

Your company’s website is the virtual storefront for your business.

About 87% of consumers start their search for products or services online before making a purchase.

Whether you operate a brick-and-mortar version of your business or not, most of your potential customers find and vet you online before converting from “visitor” to “purchaser.”

Your website’s design can be captivating—much like your brick-and-mortar location—but it’s not what attracts visitors to your site.

The content on your website is the key to bringing more visitors to your virtual door and into your digital marketing funnel.

When a user plugs in a few keywords to search for something related to your business, search engines prioritize blog content over nuts-and-bolts content—like a list of services or a company’s contact information.

Despite the algorithms and complicated strategies behind pushing your content to the top of a search list, search engines serve one primary purpose: to deliver the best information to online viewers at the top of the search.

Search results are not about you.

They are about what online consumers want and need to see first to best answer a search query.

Your blog content can either be an optimal result, or your competitor’s content can push your content (and your opportunities for new customers) down the page.

Content Supports

You offer your products or services because you believe you provide the best solutions in your field.

Your website blog content helps support your experience and expertise as the best in the business!

That doesn’t mean every blog post needs to sing your praises.

Customers need to know if you can help them solve the problem that led them to your website through an online search.

Your blog content allows you to tell your story by addressing common questions and concerns.

You present solutions from an expert perspective.

If you’re a plumber, your blog articles can address common plumbing problems with helpful answers.

As supporting information, let visitors know that they can trust your advice because of your experience in your field.

Your website is your world!

The content on your website should offer value, solutions, and encourage visitors to continue using you as a resource.

Content Compels

Well-crafted blog content not only attracts visitors to the top of your funnel, but it also compels those visitors to act.

You want people to return to your website for more content. However, your ultimate goal is to convert website visitors to customers.

Every blog post should have a Call-to-Action (CTA).

Your CTA is the key to helping people move on to the next stages of your customer acquisition funnel. Your funnel only works if traffic moves through it!

CTAs include purchasing, donating, signing up, downloading a copy, contact, and many other ways to encourage an action to carry them through your funnel.

The critical parts of a funnel include:

  • Awareness. Your blog content attracts visitors to the top of the funnel. Social media strategies, SEO, and other digital marketing strategies help drive traffic to your website through awareness.
  • Consideration. Visitors consider the content on your site and how it answers their questions. Does your content support you as an expert? Is the content informative and engaging? Does it compel visitors to act?
  • Purchase or Engage. If a visitor takes action through a CTA, they are one step closer to making it through your marketing funnel.
  • Loyalty. They come back! They purchase again, share your offer, and recommend you to others.

Attract, engage, and build relationships with your customers by incorporating effective digital strategies.

When visitors engage with your content, they’re more likely to move through your funnel!

Content Drives Your Digital Marketing Funnel

Your website content is the driving force from the beginning to the end of your digital marketing funnel!

While not every visitor makes it through the funnel to become a customer, the quality of and strategy behind your content helps you rise above your competition.

You’ll also improve your conversion rate of “visitors” into “customers.”

We know that not everyone is (or wants to be) a blog writer.

You’re the expert in the products or services your business offers! It can be overwhelming to also tackle everything that goes into an effective content marketing strategy.

Allied One Marketing allows business owners to do what they do best while we provide strategy and content to increase traffic that converts to your new customers!

If you need help developing content that drives your digital marketing funnel, contact us!

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