Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

What is SEO?

SEO, or search engine optimization, is the process of maximizing the visibility of websites in search engines’ result pages. By ranking higher in the results, they generate an optimum level of relevant traffic, thus why it is called search engine optimization. It is statistically proven that the higher up a website appears on a search engine’s results page, the more traffic you are likely to receive from potential leads. In most industries, the 1st position accounts for more than 50% of all user’s clicks. With that number dropping significantly to just 10% for the 3rd position and less than 2% for the remaining positions combined.

SEO is considered a type of digital marketing that focuses specifically on driving a website higher in search results on sites such as Google, Yahoo!, and Bing. Additionally, the increased traffic you receive from being higher up in the search results will typically mean you will receive more “relevant” traffic. This improvement to the quality of leads creates a higher return on your marketing investment.

If you’re ready to start making your marketing dollars work for you, then keep reading. We offer many different à la carte SEO services as well as complete packages. Message or Call us for pricing.

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Blog Writing Services

Blog writing doesn’t have to be difficult. AlliedOne’s creative writing department is an awesome way to generate great articles for your blog. You won’t need to come up with ideas, find pictures for the articles, conduct the article research or deal with a bunch on contract writers either. We create amazing blog content that has highly relevant, researched, professionally written content for your blog. You can schedule this as one time SEO service or monthly based on your needs
content (1)

Guest Posting Services

Blog writing doesn’t have to be difficult. AlliedOne’s creative writing department is an awesome way to generate great articles for your blog. You won’t need to come up with ideas, find pictures for the articles, conduct the article research or deal with a bunch on contract writers either. We create amazing blog content that has highly relevant, researched, professionally written content for your blog. You can schedule this as one time SEO service or monthly based on your needs

Video Content

We offer two distinct video creation services- turning existing blog articles into short videos and the other being product or service demonstration videos.

Blog Videos

Do you know which website is the 2nd largest search engine? Give up…ok, I’ll tell you. It’s YouTube! By using SEO optimized videos you can take advantage of an entirely new marketing channel. You can use these videos to grow your YouTube channel as well as increase the amount of traffic to your blogs and social media channels. 

Product or Service Videos

Videos are a great way to improve your search rankings, customer engagement, and conversion rates. By including product videos or service videos on your website, you will increase session duration on your website and as a result your rankings will improve. In addition to SEO ranking benefits, consider how much video and streaming has become the number source of data consumed.

Foundational Link Building

Of all the SEO services you will ever need, this is the easiest way to increase your rankings. Link building is the strategy of taking mini-authority properties we create on powerful platforms and then linking them back to your website. All of the content and links are original and follow white-hat standards surrounding the keywords you are wanting to rank the highest for.
The simplest way to explain how this works can be demonstrated with the graphic starting from the bottom of the image.

Local SEO

Local SEO is all about getting you ranked for local searches and showing up in the Maps section on the search results pages. This is accomplished by focusing on four distinct sections.

1. Full Citation Audit

Each campaign starts with a full audit of your citations (listings) to ensure that we begin with consistency. You never build a house until the foundation is correct, so we never begin a campaign until your business listings has been audited to identify gaps in your rankings.

2. Local Directory Citations

This is all about the BEST directories for your niche and your local market. We ensure that the most important directories (like Google Maps, Yelp, Yellowpages) are correct and then focus on the most popular, authority directories related to your industry. A great example is if you are a doctor, you will want your business information listed on WebMD or HealthGrades.

3. Rich Media Citations

There are more companies than worth counting that will claim your listings and work on your plain jane citations. However, we take it one more step further by beefing them up with geo-tagged photos and videos. We add straightforward simple video like slideshows of photos and other whiteboard options to create high authority citations. Examples of rich media citations include YouTube, flickr, Vimeo, and etc.

4. Social Citations

Social media is becoming more important than almost any other online behavior. Therefore, we make sure you’re ahead of the curve by filling out your online profile with citations on social sites. Sites include but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and etc.

SEO on Steroids(High DA Links)

Sometimes the competition is so fierce or your business is so new, you need something more than just regular link building and content creation. This is where our SEO on Steroids option becomes highly beneficial. We contact publishers of sites that have high domain authority and have them publish your links on their sidebar. The DA (domain authority) rank is based on Moz ratings and is generally considered the best source for DA ratings.

This metric is updated regularly by the MOZ team and generally, our publishers are very authoritative:
20% Moz DA 15-20
60% Moz DA 20-30
20% Moz DA 30+

These DA 15+ permanent homepage ranks are so powerful, we offer a 100% money-back guarantee if you are not happy with the boost you receive from this SEO product.

Press Release & Distribution

If you are searching for the white hat standard for high quality SEO, then look no further than Press Releases. We take your business or your event and center it around a high quality press release. This next part is the best. We send that high quality press release to multiple, high quality news distribution channels like Associated Press, Lexis Nexis, Forbes, USAToday, and more. As a result, 100’s of other news outlets will then pick up your press release and publish it on their site creating a plethora of diverse links from high domain authority sites. This form of marketing helps with creditability and trust building with your linked profile and your customers. Of all the components of SEO, this single service has the potential to deliver the most results to your business if utilized to the full potential!

2nd Tier Link Boosting

As the name suggests, this component of SEO allows you to “Boost” your SEO rankings for your backlinks and secondary properties. Remember that Steroid shot we mentioned earlier for your primary website properties? Well this option is a shot for the secondary links that are supporting your primary links.
Majority of our clients choose to use this service to help increase awareness of their blog articles as well as their social media post. This natural way of increasing traffic and boosting awareness is a great way to build compound interest on your marketing investments.

On Page SEO

SEO is broken down into two different areas: on page SEO and off page SEO. Our On Page SEO services will help to make sure your website is ready to start increasing in ranking and in delivering more traffic to your business online. This harkens back to making sure your home foundation is set before you start building the walls and roof.

Included in your On Page SEO pack:

  1. Understanding the topic of the page
  2. Keyword research to determine the best keywords to optimize for, including a competitive analysis, keyword intent, and more.
  3. Natural optimization for both users and search engines for each element of the page including title tags, URLs, meta-descriptions, h1s, images, and internal links.
  4. If you have WordPress, we can even make these changes if you provide the login credentials.

Reviews/ Reputation Management

Customer reviews are one of the biggest forms of Social Proof necessary to grow your business. Gone are the days of past when your referrals and “word-of-mouth” customers came from people passing around your printed marketing and writing down phone numbers. Today’s word-of-mouth takes place online in the form of reviews.
Get the reviews that matter most and published on the sites that deliver the most benefit to you! Not only will we help you secure more positive online reviews, we will also monitor your online reputation. How’s that for customer service?

Customized Product Descriptions

Research shows that the Millennial generation has more millionaires than any other generation in history. Part of this has to do with the increased usage of digital devices and advancements in technology. As the younger generations become more and more comfortable/dependent on digital behaviors, more people are turning to online only businesses.

We know that of all the areas that demand the attention of a business owner, customer product descriptions is the one area you either wish you didn’t have to do or lacking the necessary skills to create original, optimized product descriptions. 

Have no fear! Instead of copying and pasting the manufacturers’ product descriptions (which we all know how Google feels about duplicate content), we create unique product descriptions for each product. Each description is based on the digital channel your products are listed on (i.e. Shopify, Amazon, WooCommerce, Etsy, and etc). Each description comes with keyword research conducted first to ensure that your products will rank better and include user friendly results. 

Stop wasting time on the mundane, time consuming task of unique product descriptions and let us handle it for you. We offer 150, 300, and 500 word options per product.