SEO for Lawyers: 4 Tips You Need to Know

Creating a strong online presence for your law firm is essential when it comes to maximizing the number of clients you work with. Unfortunately, having the best content in the industry isn’t enough to get your audience to your site.

You’ll need to keep a handful of SEO tips in mind for your marketing strategy so that you can keep your traffic consistently high.

Not sure where to start? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

Let’s take a look at everything you need to know about SEO for lawyers.

1. Utilize Location-Specific Keywords 

One of the biggest mistakes lawyers make when it comes to digital marketing is not specifically targeting keywords related to their local area. For example, there’s a significant difference between ‘personal injury attorney’ and ‘personal injury attorney Miami Florida.’

So, it’s essential to consider what your audience may search in this regard.

In general, you’ll go a long way by targeting keywords that are a combination of your services and your city/area. In the above context, other keywords you may consider are ‘personal injury attorney South Florida’ and ‘Miami personal injury attorney.’  

2. Optimize Your Content 

Even after you’ve decided on the appropriate keywords for your site, you’ll need to optimize each page in order to create the highest chance of driving traffic to them.

Ways to go about this can include:

  • Having a solid number of backlinks from reputable websites
  • Creating informative long-form content
  • Making your content as Google-friendly as possible (using proper headers, image tags, etc.)

By making a large number of small tweaks, you’ll find that your site’s traffic will grow exponentially afterward.

3. Encourage Reviews

Since the outcome of legal conflict can adversely affect one’s freedom and finances, most people spend a bit of time looking into different prospective lawyers. While you can’t always ensure that your audience will immediately choose your firm, you can help stand out from your competitors through having a large number of positive reviews.

Unfortunately, many of your past clients may not leave a review unless they’re prompted to do so. This could cause you to miss out on valuable business in the future.

So, encourage every client you work with to leave a brief account of their experience with your firm on your company website, Google, etc. 

4. Monitor Your Analytics

It’s difficult to tell how well your site’s doing if you don’t keep track of the appropriate numbers.

But, this practice is as straightforward as it sounds. Make a regular habit of checking your traffic, what pages are getting the most activity, and how your numbers have compared to the months before.

While you may not always see a sharp increase from month to month, you should experience an upward trend over time if everything’s been handled correctly.

Understanding SEO for Lawyers Can Seem Difficult

But it doesn’t have to be.

With the above information about how you can take advantage of SEO for lawyers in mind, you’ll be well on your way toward hitting metrics like never before.

Want to learn more about how we can help? Feel free to get in touch with us today to see what we can do.

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