5 Reasons You Need a Marketing Campaign Plan Before the Holidays

Did you know that an estimated 40 percent of consumers start holiday shopping before Halloween?

That is a daunting number considering that many advertisers and small business do not start until after October!

This is why it is never to early to start planning and implementing holiday marketing plans.

Moreover, there are a few specific ways that brainstorming at any time of the year could help you succeed during the holidays.

Read on to learn five key ways of developing a holiday marketing campaign plan early pays off.

Five Reasons to Start a Holiday Marketing Campaign Plan

Though you may not want to put in the work right away, it is always well worth it when the holidays come around.

Moreover, with the popularity and effectiveness of digital marketing efforts, you don’t have to put much money in to reap the benefits of preparation.

Here are some reasons you should have a holiday advertising and marketing plan well before you take off your flip flops for the season.

1. Provides time for personalization

In an era of personalized, data-driven ads, you have to allow yourself plenty of opportunities to use this data, either from the year before or from your clients and ads in general.

This will give you the ability to customize and target ads at exactly who you need to for the holidays, through a variety of tactics.

2. Plants the seed

Many people that view an ad do not immediately purchase the product. That is why the rule of thumb for advertising for the holidays generally starts early, and expose them often.

By doing this, you will plant a seed for them to come back to later and make the purchase.

3. Gives you more opportunity for social media

If you start now and begin producing quality content, it gives you time to continue to refine the content to determine what works for your target customer.

Moreover, you can strategize and try a variety of different approaches before the stakes become higher.

4. Allows time for mistakes

Perhaps the best reason to start advertising now is that it will allow you to make mistakes.

These are inevitable in marketing, as it is impossible to know everything that will or won’t work with your target audience. So, start now, see what works, and focus on that.

5. Beats the competition

Finally, by getting into the advertising space early, you can beat your competition to the punch and make sure your shared audience chooses your business over theirs.

Be Prepared for the Holidays 

All and all, there are plenty of reasons to start a holiday marketing campaign plan earlier than you think.

Doing so will ensure you are one of the first in your industry to direct a holiday ad at your potential clients, and it can plant the idea in their minds to come back to later.

It will also allow you to dive deep into your analytics to determine the best tactics for your brand, and develop social media and blog content and ads effectively.

Best yet, it will allow you to hit a few bumps along the way before the plan becomes a mean, lean, lead generating machine. 

Ready to develop a better marketing plan for the holiday season? Check out our recent post for seven key tips, and how you can use them to attract new customers.

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